Mednet 2006 is over and was a terrific success. From 524 abstract submissions, 468 presentations were accepted. We had almost 500 participants from 43 different countries (previous Mednets had 100-200 participants!). Speakers included internationally known leaders in eHealth.
If you missed Mednet 2006, be advised that we are planning to make audio files available on this website for registered participants (if this becomes available, we will announce this in the news section of the Mednet site, on the Mednet homepage, and through the mailing list).
We are also planning a post-conference web-only registration option, providing access to audio files for those who missed Mednet (please fill in the preregistration form if you are interested in this, and monitor this website for updates).

The complete 44-page final program can be downloaded here (pdf: 10 MB!) [contains program-at-a-glance and other pdf's mentioned below, but not the abstract book].
Or download only the following subsections from the final program:
The final abstract book can be downloaded here (pdf: 4 MB!).
Or browse the Website:
A detailed schedule of oral presentations is available on this Website under "schedule"
Or browse the titles and abstracts of all 350 accepted presentations here (this includes poster presentations).
Tracks and themes at Mednet 2006
The overarching theme of Mednet 2006 is "Improving Public Health through the Internet". Presentations will cover Research, Practice, and Business, shedding light on the topics from different angles. There is a mix of contributed abstracts, panels, and keynote speakers. Research abstracts contain original research results. practice abstracts contain presentations of useful medical websites or other eHealth technologies (without a strong evaluation component), and abstracts in the business track present business models, business issues, business ideas etc. Potential speakers are invited to propose a talk by submitting an abstract (see Call for Abstracts (or, after the deadlines, contact the organizing committee to discuss potential additions to the program). All speakers are responsible for covering travel, accomodation, and registration fee - we regret that we are unable to financially support any participants.
Note that before submitting an abstract, you have to pre-register).
* patient portals;
* putting electronic health records online;
* etrials: using the web and etechnologies for clinical trials;
* public (e-)health, population health technologies, surveillance;
* Health information on the web: Supply and Demand;
* Next-generation Internet health applications;
* semantic web applications and search engine technologies;
* psychobehavioral interventions on the Internet;
* evaluation and methodological issues in ehealth;
* web-based medical education;
* health communication on the internet;
* Internet for disease prevention;
* ehealth for chronic diseases;
* online pharmacies;
* usability and human factors on the web;
* telehealth and medical practice using IP technologies;
* business opportunities in ehealth;
* health-e body weight: ehealth technologies for healthy eating and active lifestyle;
* cancer and the Internet (cancer-track kindly sponsored by the U.S. National Cancer Institute)
* web-assisted tobacco interventions.
* Internet based publishing and peer-review;
* Open Access publishing in medicine;
* failures in eHealth
* other topics