Health-e Body Weight (E-besity) Workshop: Issues in developing, using, and evaluating ehealth technologies for healthy eating and active lifestyle
Gunther Eysenbach
University of Toronto and Centre for Global Ehealth Innovation
Topic: e-besity interventions Track: Research Type: Oral presentation Full text:
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Last modified: September 26, 2006
Presentation date: 10/18/2006 3:30 PM in CGEI Usability Labs
(View Schedule)
Various MEDNET sessions provide an overview over current experiences with and issues in the application and research of "ehealth obesity" interventions. The workshop "Health-e Body Weight ("E-besity") Workshop: Issues in developing, using, and evaluating ehealth technologies for healthy eating and active lifestyle" is not a presentation or a tutorial, rather participants are actually expected to work (however, the workshop is preceded by another workshop "Targeting e-health Obesity Prevention for Youth: Balancing Evidence Based-Approaches with Audience Appeal" [, 2:15-3:30pm, same room] which has more a tutorial character).
The objective of this international workshop is to bring together ehealth researchers and technology experts with nutrition and physical activity experts, health behaviour change experts, policy makers, consumers, and industry representatives, and potential funders. The broader goal is knowledge exchange and research agenda setting in the area of development, application, and evaluation of ehealth technologies for education and behaviour change in the context of preventing and treating obesity.
The anticipated outcome is a) providing a forum for networking among different stakeholders for planning of collaborative research projects b) identifying the research issues and generating a research agenda and action plan.
Scope. With ehealth interventions we mean in particular 1) Internet-based "tailored" behaviour change websites targeting obesity and healthy bodyweight, 2) mobile devices and solutions such as PDAs coupled with barcode scanners and bluetooth-enabled pedometers etc., and their integration into behaviour change programs and websites; 3) other innovative software-based and "edutainment" approaches such as videogames, interactive movies, and virtual reality..
The emphasis of this workshop is to actually WORK on preparing a White Paper (discussion paper). For this purpose, the workshop will be broken up into smaller breakout groups, which will discuss a specific issue or broad question (such as "what are the problems", "what are the risks" in researching/applying ebesity interventions etc.), prepare a draft paragraph which deals with that specific issue, and present it back to the larger group.
To be invited, write an email to Gunther Eysenbach [geysenba at], subject "ebesity workshop invitation request". Please formulate a few critical issues or questions which should eventually be a subheading in a White Paper and which you want to see discussed in the breakout groups.
NOTE: Participants from outside of the US or Canada have to be registered (and paid) for Mednet. We will not provide written invitation letters for visa purposes, unless you are registered and paid for Mednet. There will be no exceptions.